Acordes & Letra

Chords & Lyrics


Grita Su Fama con nosotros

Shout His Fame with us

Esta es una invitación a adorar!
Es nuestra invitación personal a traer de vuelta
el enfoque, a aquel a quien le pertenece toda
la gloria y la fama = nuestro Rey y Salvador,
el Señor Jesucristo.

“Celebremos, nuestro Dios es poderoso

Feliz Navidad & Feliz año Nuevo!!! 
Let us Cheer!
This is an invitation to worship.
It’s our personal invitation to you to bring back
the focus, a reminder to whom really belongs
the glory and fame = our King and Savior,
the Lord Jesus Christ.

“Let us cheer, for our Lord God is mighty

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!!

Video Musical / Music Video 
¡Canten al Señor una nueva canción! ¡Que toda la tierra cante al Señor! Canten al Señor, alaben su nombre; cada día anuncien las buenas noticias de que él salva.
– Salmo 96:1-2
"Shout a new song to the Lord! Let the whole earth Shout to the Lord! Shout to the Lord; praise his name. Each day proclaim the good news that he saves.
– Psalm 96:1-2
Letra & Acordes / Lyrics & Chords 
Su Fama Gritaré (Español)
Verso 1

Ven exaltemos al Señor
El es grande y sabio Dios
El es digno de alabar

Verso 2
Hoy es el tiempo de adorar
Todo orgullo caerá
El es digno de alabar 

Pre Coro
Tú has sido bueno Dios
Mi alma te cantará
Tu has sido bueno Dios
Con gozo a ti
Venimos a Adorar
A Adorar 

Grande es mi Dios,
Grande es mi rey
Glorioso Señor
Grande es mi Dios,
Grande es El
Y su  fama gritaré

Celebremos nuestro Dios es poderoso
Celebremos que su amor es para siempre

Shout His Fame (English)
Verse 1
Come let us magnify our God
He is wise and truly great
He is worthy to be praised

Verse 2
Now is the time to lift him high
Lay aside every pride
For he’s worthy to be praised

Pre Chorus
Lord you’ve been good to me
And from my heart I’ll sing
Lord you’ve been good to us
And with joy, 
We bring a song of praise
A song of praise

Great is our God,
Great is our King
The Glorious one
Great is our God,
Great is his name
We’ll forever shout his fame

Let us cheer for our Lord God is mighty
Let us cheer for his love is everlasting
Shout His Fame

Grita Su Fama con nosotros

Shout His Fame with us

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